Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Okay, here is my next blog. I am going to start writing my political commentary, so I am sure to step on someone's toes every now and then. Don't take offense, but let's have a healthy discussion of ideas and views on the subject. - wsv
The Presidency is well under way, the economy has been foundering for some time now, and the President, looking for ways to trim the budget, goes to the Secretary of Defense and tries to find areas where the budget can be significantly reduced. As expected, the Defense Secretary tells the President that there could be enough cuts in Military spending that they will be able to balance the budget and even have a surplus in a few years. However, if the cuts were implemented, our military readiness would suffer, our troop size would be reduced, and our ability to engage in a sustained military action might be compromised. After weighing the options, the President, sensing that the American people are tired of war and want a rapid solution to the current economic situation, decides to go forward with the plan to reduce military spending. By the time the cuts were fully implemented, President Clinton was able to present to the country a budget with a surplus.
The parallels of the Obama Presidency to the Clinton Presidency are frightening. I believe that Obama is ignorant of anything dealing with foreign affairs, and probably relies on Hillary Clinton's advice. That is why there are beginning to be so many similarities between the two administrations. I have said that since Hillary's nomination, for the first time in American history, the Secretary of State has more power in the White House than the President. Since most of the political appointees come from the Clinton Administration, their loyalties are probably still with the Clintons. Just something to watch for and see what develops.
What prompted this diatribe, was the news from 06 April, 2009 that stated that the Secretary of Defense has recommended that the military spending budget be reduced to cut out High-Tech research on new weapon systems, and aircraft. This is idiocy on so many fronts. First, research and development during peacetime is always warranted in order to be prepared for the next conflict. I can guarantee that the enemies of America, will never stop developing weapons systems to rival us even if we announced that we will NEVER use any military weapons against any other nation ever again. This mentality points to the international political niaivity of the current administration. We need to be watchful and concerned about where we are going.
Wayne S. Vaughn

1 comment:

Liese4 said...

Since my son wants to fly said aircraft, I hope they don't cut back, otherwise he'll be flying a bucket like Errol Flynn did in 'Dawn patrol', yikes!