Friday, April 17, 2009

Week in Review

Wow! a week has gone by! I must be getting lazy! Actually, though I have several papers due in my college classes this week, and I really can't afford to take this time out to update my blog, but too much has happened for me to not comment on, so here goes.
First, I want to say congratulations to the millions of Americans who showed up on Wednesday, April 15th, to protest the irresponsibility of this government (not just this administration, but Congree as well) and make it known that we will not stand idly by while our security both politically and financially is attacked daily by the government. Since I live South of San Antonio, Texas, I watched how our fair city handled their "Tea Party" and I must say that I was very proud of all that we were able to accomplish that day. I want to echo the sentiment expressed by Ted Nugent, when he said, "I think it's great that everyone came out today, but don't just demonstrate, take action! Call your Congressmen, your Senators, and your Governors, and let them know that you are mad about this!" (very loosely quoted, but sentiment is there.) I agree that now we need to follow up by calling offices of our elected officials and telling them that if they don't start working for US, that we will give them a "pink slip" (after all, they do work for us!) the next time they are up for reelection. In fact, we should replace EVERY elected member of Congress this next term, and let someone look at this problem from a fresh perspective.
Next, in my earlier post, I expressed concerned about how this government had many developmental similarities to Hitler's Nazi Germany. I was hoping that by articulating this concern that I would quickly be proven wrong, and that I was being unneccissarily alarmist in my views. You know, Hitler had his cohorts set out out on a systematic campaign to eliminate a particular group out of German society, first in innocent sounding criticisms, then with more sinister restrictions on the liberties of the citizens in the interest of their "national security." The first thing they did was to equate the Jew as being a "Communist or Communist Sympathizer." This was effective since it struck fear in the heart of the average person in their society making them worry about the "subversive" threat of the Jews.
Fast forward to earlier this week, when the Department of Homeland Security (again a lieutenant of the administration) issues a warning to law enforcement, Nation-wide, to be on the lookout for returning veterans, those who had voluntarily served their country, who had put their lives and limbs on the line for our freedom, who most likely will be recruited to become "right-wing extremists," and a threat to society. Also included were Pro-Life Christians, NRA members, and anyone who protests their government (look out you tax-day enthusiasts, they're reviewing the video as we speak!) If you can't see the similarity to what Hitler and the Nazis did, and realize that from that beginning, they went on to suspend the cilvil rights and civil liberties of over 6 million Jews, and other "inferiors." The only hope we, as Americans, have is the Second Amendment. Do not let them remove that Amendment from the Constitution! The Constitution is now "hanging by a thread" and I want to call on loyal Americans from all political views to rise up and defend us from these "domestic enemies"!
I hope to make another post about my U.S. History class, but this one is already too long, so I will do it later. Be sure to look at my Blog on Sunday, 19 April 2009, because I will commemorate a family "holiday." Enjoy your day, and GOD BLESS AMERICA!

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