Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Today marks the anniversary of the victory of General Sam Houston's Army over the Mexican Army led by General Santa Anna. This battle has been designated by worldwide historians as the eight most significant battle in the course of World History. It was made possible by the contribution of my ancestor, Isaac Batterson, whodonated the use of his floor by the Texas Army to ferry across Buffalo Bayou to intercept Santa Anna and his soldiers. The battle, which ocurred in the middle of the day, literally caught the Mexican Army asleep, and Santa Anna with his pants down. It only lasted thirteen minutes, but it set Texas, and the United States on a collision course with destiny.

In San Antonio, we celebrate the victory with a weeklong party called "Fiesta." Our party cry is "Viva Fiesta!" So on this day, give youself a reason to party! Go out and say, "VIVA FIESTA!!!"

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