Sunday, April 12, 2009


On this day when we accept the "ransom" paid for all of our sins by one spectacular person, namely the Son of the Living God, through His resurrection from the dead giving the world hope that there can be more to life than simple existence, we hear of a man, who, in the tradition of his Savior, gave himself for ransom for the safety of his fellow shipmates. I am very gratified that Captain Phillips made the decision that he did. He was willing to sacrifice himself for the safety of his crew, and endured many hardships associated with his captivity at the hands of cowards who shamelessly exploit the weak for their own greed. I was gratified that the military was allowed to do their job, and eliminate the threat to Capt. Phillips, while ensuring his ultimate safety. It could have gone wrong on so many different levels.
I do find it ironic, though, that it was a strictly military operation that has spurred this huge outpouring of patriotic fervor across the country. I think that it is right that we should celebrate the cool efficiency of the U.S. Navy Seals, who can take a situation with a moving target (there were sea swells at the time) and eliminate three of the four pirates at the same time! It is remarkable, and should prove to the rest of the country that there is is still continued need to have a strong well-trained military in place to neutralize future threats to our country. We do NOT need to apologize for the actions we have taken as a nation to preserve and protect freedoms throughout the world. It is with a grateful heart that I say, GOD BLESS AMERICA!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In church our pastor was comparing the Jewish passover lamb to Jesus the lamb of God.

Of course, I already knew most of it, but one thing he said stood out. The lamb stayed in the household for 3 days while the family got to know it, then they took it to the priest and the father of the family placed his hands on the lamb and transferred his family's sins to it, then of course the priest killed the lamb.

I never knew that the family had to keep the lamb in their home, bonding with it, feeding it, knowing it and then see it die. That was an amazing thing to realize.