Monday, July 27, 2009

Call to action

Okay, folks the time is now. In order to know how effectively we can establish this new grassroots organization that will shake the political world to its very foundation, I need you to e-mail me to express your interest in this project.

If you truly want to make a difference in politics, and you are tired of being told who to vote for and how to vote on special causes, then join my campaign to revamp the Republican party at the precinct level. I will be training people on the most effective way to manage a precinct, and I need to have like-minded conservatives on board. If you e-mail me, I will send you updates and show you how to take charge of your community. I do not want the "one agenda" item people to join unless they will be willing to work for ALL of the issues facing conservatism today. I hope to hear from you soon.

My e-mail is; or

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's Time to Start

I'm sorry it has been so long since I last posted, but I am finishing up my last classes for my Bachelor's Degree, and I am still going to be tied up until the 4th of July. So this will probably be the only blog I'll post until then.

O.K., here goes. Now is the time to make the call for the American public to take control of their own personal destinies and retake this runaway government to restore some sense of intelligence in setting policies that mean true strength and security for this great nation.

The Congress of the United States, both the House and the Senate, have violated the trust that the voters have placed in our elected officials by taking their elected positions and using them to further their own personal agendas, and ignore the needs of the country by causing government spending to skyrocket out of control which are ultimately going to bankrupt the taxpayer. I have never seen a more irresponsible display of financial stupidity as I have witnessed in the last twnty to thirty years.

I have wathched Congress with greater alarm pass more and more irresponsible spending bills over the past several years adding porkbarrel projects to inflate and bloat every government budget proposed since John F. Kennedy. It has been convenient for the Republicans to blame Democrats for these boondoggles, and in 1984Newt Gingrich led the greatest conservative takeover of the Congress in history. Unfortunately, the Republicans, frustrated over how many times the Democrats were able to get "pet" projects rammed through the legislature over Republican objections, decided to take their turn at the "trough" and vote their own pork barrel spending which never helped to restore financial stability that we needed for this country. This abuse culminated in the recent spending bill that authorized the massive "stimulus" bill (not) which included 8000 pork barrel projects which 40% (nearly half) came from the Republican members of Congress.

Since the current batch of legilators no longer seems to be interested in helping the American dream be realized, it is time to get rid of the source of the problem. Now is the time to start the campaign that I am going to call "REPLACE THEM ALL IN THE FALL." In 2010, vote out EVERY member of the House of Representatives, and every Senator up for election that year. Go ahead and extend it to the Governors, State Representatives, and any other policy maker you can think of. It is time for a MEANINGFUL "change" in this government, not just the same old tired rhetoric to get voters to allow the "flim-flam" artists to make us look foolish.

Whether you think that this country is plummeting headlong towards a Socialist state, or whether you think that the regulations are necessary; everyone agrees that runaway spending from Congress is the biggest single problem facing the financial recovery of this country. Make the CHANGE, vote these irresponsible lawmakers FROM BOTH PARTIES out of office and give a new group a chance to respond to the wishes of the VOTERS, and make financial decisions to show fiscal responsibility. Let's start TODAY!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Today marks the anniversary of the victory of General Sam Houston's Army over the Mexican Army led by General Santa Anna. This battle has been designated by worldwide historians as the eight most significant battle in the course of World History. It was made possible by the contribution of my ancestor, Isaac Batterson, whodonated the use of his floor by the Texas Army to ferry across Buffalo Bayou to intercept Santa Anna and his soldiers. The battle, which ocurred in the middle of the day, literally caught the Mexican Army asleep, and Santa Anna with his pants down. It only lasted thirteen minutes, but it set Texas, and the United States on a collision course with destiny.

In San Antonio, we celebrate the victory with a weeklong party called "Fiesta." Our party cry is "Viva Fiesta!" So on this day, give youself a reason to party! Go out and say, "VIVA FIESTA!!!"

Monday, April 20, 2009

Texas and Secession

OK, Gov. Perry may have been doing some posturing for the upcoming Primary next year, but what's with all the furor about this remark? Geraldo Rivera, crackshot journalist (I'm going to show you Al Capone's empty vault on live TV!) accused the Governor of committing TREASON of all things. I wonder who is trying to look stupid now? There was nothing treasonous in what Gov. Perry was proposing with his talk of secession. He was merely restating the option that Texas has the right to exercise its sovereign right to secede if the Government of the United States oversteps its authority, and puts the interests of the people of Texas at risk. Before everyone in other states start a scramble to do likewise, you need to know that Texas is unique in all of the United States on this point. When Texas applied for statehood to the United States, we were already a sovereign nation in our own right, fully recognized by the US government. So when Texas joined the Union in 1845, it was not just an annexation of a US territory, but it was done by a treaty between two sovereign powers, with the appropriate language to guarantee the peace and security of their respective peoples. This treaty had to ratified by both nations' legislatures before it could be implimented. One clause was that Texas had the AUTHORITY to secede from the Union if it determined that was the prudent course of action to benefit the people of Texas, but the actions have to be viewed from two different sources: State or Republic.

There will be some who want to argue that Texas' right to secede was abrogated when it was forced to ratify the 14th Amendment with all the other Confederate States at the end of the Civil War but I don't think that would hold up to international law. When acting as the State of Texas, we are bound by the strictures placed on us by the14th Amendment like every other state in the Union. However, as an Independent Republic, joined to the United States by Treaty, which allows the state the option to secede over excesses by the United States government, it is perfectly allowable.

I don't think the country needs to worry that Texas is going to secede. That was a colorful, casual remark with not much passion behind it. However, if the government of the United States tries to get heavy-handed with the people of Texas, I may just lead the fight to secede myself! DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS! (It's so much more than a slogan!)

Sunday, April 19, 2009


On this day in 1836, Sam Houston, enroute to his fateful meeting with Santa Anna, ran into a problem. The stream that he had to cross, Buffalo Bayou, was swollen from the recent rains, and Santa Anna's troops were guarding the only available bridges to the plains of Saint Hyacinth keeping the army from intercepting Santa Anna. However, divine providence shined down on Houston's Army that day.
While travelling to intercept Santa Anna's army, Houston, and his soldiers happened upon the homestead of Isaac Batterson, "The Squire of Buffalo Bayou," a patriot seeking to protect his land from the advancing Mexican troops. Isaac welcomed Houston and his soldiers for the night, and on the next morning, the 19th, he agreed to let the sick and wounded remain while the rest of the soldiers went on to San Jacinto. Isaac's cabin was his pride and joy. Built to last, he had imported wood, the finest from New York for his floor. It was the only planed wood to be found in the area. That morning, over breakfast, Sam Houston asked Isaac Batterson if he could take up his floor to make a raft to ferry his troops and canons to the other side of Buffalo Bayou. Isaac Batterson agreed, and two days later, April 21, 1836, History was made, and Texas became a Republic.
What is significant about this little bit of history, is that without the floor from Isaac Batterson's house (Mrs. Amelia Batterson was not happy when she found out) the victory might not have been so clear cut. Also, it is fun to note that this floor contributed to the battle that Historians worldwide acknowledge is the eighth most significant battle ever fought. That is because from this battle, The United States was able to expand its borders to its current set up.
For further reading on this topic, go to these web sites: and or you can type in "Isaac Batterson" in your search engine and see what comes up.
One other sidelight to this story, is when Isaac Batterson moved to Texas with his wife and four daughters, he did not have any sons. When his wife became pregnant again, he was already established as "The Squire" so it was common for people to stop at his home and dine before moving on. One such visitor was a young man going to take an assignment for the Texian Army to oppose Santa Anna. He left, and went on to give his life in defense of freedom for Texas, as so many others did throughout this period of history. However, Isaac Batterson was so impressed with this young man that he wanted to preserve his name, so when his newborn son (his first!) arrived, he knew how to accomplish that goal, and he named his son William Barrett Travis Batterson. Also, one of his daughters, Catherine, married a Steamboat pilot named James Nelson Montgomery, and now you know my connection to this story (he is my 2nd great-grandfather).

Friday, April 17, 2009

Since I don't have time to type out another post, I am going to paste a critique of my U.S. History class that I am taking at UTSA (The University of Texas at San Antonio). I still have not finished the critique since my instructor has yet to talk about the Bush years! However, this is what I have so far, see if you think that I am unreasonable in my views.

When I registered for this class, I was looking forward to learning about the efforts of great Americans working together collectively to rebuild this nation into a stronger union after the depletion of resources of WWII. I wanted to see how the initiatives of individuals could dramatically influence the course of a nation through effort and perseverance.
Imagine my shock and dismay to find instead a class that should have been titled “I hate America: How white oppressors kept people of color out of the spotlight.” I did not intend to take a black studies course, but that is primarily the entire focus. Ms. Laguana Gray’s racist bias is very evident in her treatment of any view that does not conform to her own. Her distortion of American History by trying to impose political positions that are strictly her own, is both inexcusable and intolerable.
I will be the first to acknowledge that people of color have been systematically discriminated against throughout our history. However, it must be noted that ours is a young, maturing society less than 250 years old. As any analogy to growth must acknowledge, you first have the formative years, followed by the adolescent years, followed by the young adult years, finally followed by the mature adult years. I believe that we are in the process of passing from young adulthood into mature adulthood, but we still have a long way to go yet. Continuing with the analogy, let’s first examine the formative years. Here we, as a nation, were trying to “stand on our own” much like the infant becoming a toddler. We were so focused on trying to survive, that the conventions of the day were accepted and maintained. Even though Thomas Jefferson opposed slavery, and included a criticism of England’s involvement with slavery in the Declaration of Independence, the other Founding Fathers were unwilling to give up that tenet, and voted to remove that statement from the Declaration. Even so, we began to mature as a nation, and grow past some of our prejudices. Slavery under any guise is wrong and should never be engaged in. However, when the system is as firmly entrenched in society as it was, it will take time to move away from it. Even in America, the last major nation to abolish slavery in the area, we were moving away from the practice with the Declaration, it just took a long time. During our period of adolescence, we finally took the stand to abolish the practice of slavery, but some of the more immature elements of the nation decided to “be rebellious” and fight this movement. Any person that has ever been a teenager, or tried to raise teenagers knows that there will always be a stage of rebelliousness that is part of their maturing process, but they will eventually grow out of it. As a young adult, opinions are about what is important to the individual, not the family at large. Personal opinions are the most important standard to evaluate the behavior of others, and render judgment. Unfortunately, in this scenario, there is little room for compromise, and any challenge to the individual’s opinion is rejected outright, in spite of all of the facts. I feel that this is where we are as a nation today. Both sides of the racism debate are hammering at each other for their own personal ideology and not trying to hear, or understand the other’s position. Is discrimination wrong? The answer is a resounding YES! However, the discrimination is running full bore in the opposite direction, and no one is willing to acknowledge this fact. If you are going to teach about racism in this country, then teach about the Black Racism of today, and the prejudices the people of color are showing against all whites. Also, don’t fall into the old stale rhetoric that “we were treated this way, so this is justice.” It is NOT just, or justice to continue hateful behavior just because people of color have achieved some parity in the political arena. If they want to eliminate intolerance from the non-black community, then move past the “sins” of the past and forge a new future based on accomplishing the goals of ALL Americans, and stop favoring one minority group over another. This will be the indication that we have finally moved into the “mature” society that I spoke of earlier.
I shouldn’t have to give this history lesson to the Department of History, but when you ignore comprehensive history to promote a particular politically correct agenda inside the classroom, you, as a teacher, and as a department have failed to live up to your obligations as the protectors of academic excellence in your institution. Specifically, my several complaints of Ms. LaGuana Gray, instructor of U.S. History – 1945 to Present, are these: first, she did not follow even her own syllabus statement about how she was going to approach the topic, second, her focus was too narrow, focusing only on how “White” America spent the entire last half of the 20th century, persecuting “people of Color” specifically blacks, and ignored what great things this nation accomplished during this same time period. I was looking forward to learning about the engineering accomplishments involved in building the Interstate Highway system during Eisenhower’s administration; instead I found it reduced to one power-point slide, inserted into a lecture about how blacks were kept out of the suburbs. I KNOW THE BLACKS WERE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST DURING THIS TIME! That is still no excuse to ignore all of the technological advancements of the country at this time. She never even mentioned America landing on the Moon! Was that because it was discriminating against blacks that there were not allowed in the space program? Oh, wait! There were blacks in the Space Program, I guess you can’t fan the flames of prejudice if you acknowledge that there have been efforts towards inclusion from White America. However, she was able to cover the important, technologically innovative “Hip-Hop” craze, which has contributed more public harm in the form of violence against Whites, women, and the police than it has promoted anything artistic. If anything deserved to be reduced to one power point slide in this class, it would be that subject. I found the entire presentation of the first lecture most offensive. I have struggled as many people have to rid my life of foul, demeaning language such as profanity, only to be forced, WITHOUT PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OR PERMISSION, to a tirade from a rapper entitled “F*** the Police.” First, to use a college classroom to promote the ideals of these urban terrorists, who despise the laws of this country that many have fought and died for is repugnant. Second, to make a mockery of the law-enforcement community, encourage efforts to circumvent or outright violate the laws we have enacted for public safety is irresponsible, and borderline anarchist. No racist agenda, either white or black, should be tolerated in the classroom, but since that seems to be the accepted policy of this department (this is not the only prejudicial, discriminatory class I have attended here,) I am not surprised. This brings up another point, since I am not happy with the direction this decidedly racist class has taken; I have difficulty writing about subjects that I am in total disagreement with. Apparently it shows, because my grades have been poor on the essays. However, there is no set rubric that lets us know what pejorative standard is being used to grade our answers.
The final point I want to make is that when you set out as Doctoral Academia, to promote a one-sided, politically-correct agenda, you either need to acknowledge your own racist bias against the White person in America, and try to eliminate it from the curricula of the course of instruction. Forcing a student to read only biased, intolerant and hateful material from the “minority” community, without balancing it with the other side of the same issue is offensive and unfair to the students hoping to get a well-rounded education. This is not education, this is a demonstration of “vapid intellectualism.”

Week in Review

Wow! a week has gone by! I must be getting lazy! Actually, though I have several papers due in my college classes this week, and I really can't afford to take this time out to update my blog, but too much has happened for me to not comment on, so here goes.
First, I want to say congratulations to the millions of Americans who showed up on Wednesday, April 15th, to protest the irresponsibility of this government (not just this administration, but Congree as well) and make it known that we will not stand idly by while our security both politically and financially is attacked daily by the government. Since I live South of San Antonio, Texas, I watched how our fair city handled their "Tea Party" and I must say that I was very proud of all that we were able to accomplish that day. I want to echo the sentiment expressed by Ted Nugent, when he said, "I think it's great that everyone came out today, but don't just demonstrate, take action! Call your Congressmen, your Senators, and your Governors, and let them know that you are mad about this!" (very loosely quoted, but sentiment is there.) I agree that now we need to follow up by calling offices of our elected officials and telling them that if they don't start working for US, that we will give them a "pink slip" (after all, they do work for us!) the next time they are up for reelection. In fact, we should replace EVERY elected member of Congress this next term, and let someone look at this problem from a fresh perspective.
Next, in my earlier post, I expressed concerned about how this government had many developmental similarities to Hitler's Nazi Germany. I was hoping that by articulating this concern that I would quickly be proven wrong, and that I was being unneccissarily alarmist in my views. You know, Hitler had his cohorts set out out on a systematic campaign to eliminate a particular group out of German society, first in innocent sounding criticisms, then with more sinister restrictions on the liberties of the citizens in the interest of their "national security." The first thing they did was to equate the Jew as being a "Communist or Communist Sympathizer." This was effective since it struck fear in the heart of the average person in their society making them worry about the "subversive" threat of the Jews.
Fast forward to earlier this week, when the Department of Homeland Security (again a lieutenant of the administration) issues a warning to law enforcement, Nation-wide, to be on the lookout for returning veterans, those who had voluntarily served their country, who had put their lives and limbs on the line for our freedom, who most likely will be recruited to become "right-wing extremists," and a threat to society. Also included were Pro-Life Christians, NRA members, and anyone who protests their government (look out you tax-day enthusiasts, they're reviewing the video as we speak!) If you can't see the similarity to what Hitler and the Nazis did, and realize that from that beginning, they went on to suspend the cilvil rights and civil liberties of over 6 million Jews, and other "inferiors." The only hope we, as Americans, have is the Second Amendment. Do not let them remove that Amendment from the Constitution! The Constitution is now "hanging by a thread" and I want to call on loyal Americans from all political views to rise up and defend us from these "domestic enemies"!
I hope to make another post about my U.S. History class, but this one is already too long, so I will do it later. Be sure to look at my Blog on Sunday, 19 April 2009, because I will commemorate a family "holiday." Enjoy your day, and GOD BLESS AMERICA!