Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's Time to Start

I'm sorry it has been so long since I last posted, but I am finishing up my last classes for my Bachelor's Degree, and I am still going to be tied up until the 4th of July. So this will probably be the only blog I'll post until then.

O.K., here goes. Now is the time to make the call for the American public to take control of their own personal destinies and retake this runaway government to restore some sense of intelligence in setting policies that mean true strength and security for this great nation.

The Congress of the United States, both the House and the Senate, have violated the trust that the voters have placed in our elected officials by taking their elected positions and using them to further their own personal agendas, and ignore the needs of the country by causing government spending to skyrocket out of control which are ultimately going to bankrupt the taxpayer. I have never seen a more irresponsible display of financial stupidity as I have witnessed in the last twnty to thirty years.

I have wathched Congress with greater alarm pass more and more irresponsible spending bills over the past several years adding porkbarrel projects to inflate and bloat every government budget proposed since John F. Kennedy. It has been convenient for the Republicans to blame Democrats for these boondoggles, and in 1984Newt Gingrich led the greatest conservative takeover of the Congress in history. Unfortunately, the Republicans, frustrated over how many times the Democrats were able to get "pet" projects rammed through the legislature over Republican objections, decided to take their turn at the "trough" and vote their own pork barrel spending which never helped to restore financial stability that we needed for this country. This abuse culminated in the recent spending bill that authorized the massive "stimulus" bill (not) which included 8000 pork barrel projects which 40% (nearly half) came from the Republican members of Congress.

Since the current batch of legilators no longer seems to be interested in helping the American dream be realized, it is time to get rid of the source of the problem. Now is the time to start the campaign that I am going to call "REPLACE THEM ALL IN THE FALL." In 2010, vote out EVERY member of the House of Representatives, and every Senator up for election that year. Go ahead and extend it to the Governors, State Representatives, and any other policy maker you can think of. It is time for a MEANINGFUL "change" in this government, not just the same old tired rhetoric to get voters to allow the "flim-flam" artists to make us look foolish.

Whether you think that this country is plummeting headlong towards a Socialist state, or whether you think that the regulations are necessary; everyone agrees that runaway spending from Congress is the biggest single problem facing the financial recovery of this country. Make the CHANGE, vote these irresponsible lawmakers FROM BOTH PARTIES out of office and give a new group a chance to respond to the wishes of the VOTERS, and make financial decisions to show fiscal responsibility. Let's start TODAY!